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SCARRED - Part 3 (The SCARRED Series - Book 3) Page 3
SCARRED - Part 3 (The SCARRED Series - Book 3) Read online
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Derek went into the bathroom and before he did anything, he stood with his hands resting on the counter and looked into the mirror at his own face. He was still struggling with the rage. It felt like it was eating him up. He only even came close to feeling this way once before...and even that couldn’t compare. When he was in high school, he went to a private school in Manhattan. He was surrounded by rich, arrogant boys and girls and most of the time, he got along with everyone and he learned over time that most of the people who acted like they were so much better than everyone else were struggling with their own insecurity.
There was one kid. His father was the CEO of some corporation that his family founded in the 1800s. They were old money and they had so much of it that no one really knew exactly what they were worth. The kid’s name was Brandon and he walked around the school like he was king. Brandon had “yes” men even in high school. These were the guys who scrambled to do his bidding at every turn. Most of the girls wanted him too. Derek didn’t pay him much attention until one day, the girl that Derek was dating didn’t show up for school. Her name was Rachel and as hormones would have it, Derek’s fifteen year old heart was convinced that he loved her. He was on the phone on his break, calling to find out why she wasn’t at school and if she was okay when he heard Brandon telling a group of guys that he had gotten a “hand job” from that “slut” Rachel at the rally the night before. Derek ended the call before she answered and turned around towards Brandon.
“What did you just say?” he asked him.
Brandon looked up and smiled at him and said, “You’re a lucky guy, Derek. That girl of yours knows how to make a guy feel real good.”
Derek saw red. He barely remembered what happened to this day but it took about five guys to pull him off of Brandon and when he was finished, his face was a bloody mess. He probably wouldn’t have stopped if those guys hadn’t pulled him off, and that had scared him. He found out later that Rachel hadn’t even been at the rally the night before. Her aunt was sick and she’d gone to see her in the hospital. Derek was expelled and his father had to find a new school for him to go to. That was his last fight and until tonight he’d never felt anything comparable to that rage. The rage he felt now was like a volcano in his chest and he feared what he would do when it erupted.
He took a few deep breaths and then he ran water from the shower head into the large, Jacuzzi tub until it was warm. He took the soap and shampoos and body washes out of the basket the hotel had left on the counter and sat them near the tub. He made sure there were a clean fluffy towel and the complimentary robe within reach. Then he went out and let Chloe know it was ready. She thanked him and started towards the bathroom.
She stopped when she was about halfway there and turned towards him and said, “I’d really like it if you joined me.”
“Are you sure?” He asked raising an eyebrow.
She nodded and then she said, “Because of you, I’m slowly beginning to separate in my head the differences between loving and abusive. I know that doesn’t make much sense to a “normal” person, but when you’ve lived with it; it sometimes gets all twisted in your head. I need you to love me tonight, Derek.”
He felt tears stinging his eyes again. He went to her and took her hand, leading her into the bathroom. When they got there, he cupped her chin in his hand and tilted her face up to his. He covered her mouth with his and let his tongue taste her languidly. He was gentle and the kiss was sweet. He wasn’t certain that he’d be able to do more than kiss her and touch her, but it was what she was asking for and obviously what she needed, so he was going to do whatever he could to make her feel good tonight and help her forget...if only for a little while.
He reached back as they kissed and lowered the zipper on her dress. He used his hands to push it off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. He pressed his lips down to her shoulder and kissed all the way along it to the top of her arm. Then he reached back and unhooked her bra and she let that slide off and fall to the floor as well. He was looking at her standing there in her panties and trying not to remember where the scars on her body came from. He’d known before that someone had to have hurt her...but knowing the facts now made it so much harder. She was watching his face and he knew that she was worried he wouldn’t want her. The truth was she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen and knowing now how strong her spirit was, made him want her even more.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said.
Chloe’s eyes filled with tears and she lifted up and kissed his lips softly. Then stripping off the little panties, she stepped over and into the running water. Derek could feel himself becoming aroused as he watched her. He was struggling with whether or not he should feel guilty about that. Then he reminded himself of what she’d said about “the difference between love and abuse.” He started taking off his clothes. He could tell her a million times that she could trust him to never hurt her...but right now; he was going to show her.
She closed her eyes and under the hot spray, she reveled in the sheets of warm water that coursed down her skin. Chloe could hear Derek step in behind her. She flinched slightly as she felt his strong hands caress her body, rubbing vanilla scented body lotion across the length of her back. Every part of her was suddenly on fire at the wake of his strong hands.
She could feel herself becoming wet, a heat unrelated to the water flooding into her loins.
She needed him.
She craved him.
Chloe gently pushed her ass back slightly against his cock. Her body shuddered when she felt his fingers stroke her folds from behind feeling her wetness.
She moaned into the spray.
Derek smiled to himself and his hand came up and cupped her breast, tweaking her rock hard nipple.
Chloe gasped with pleasure as he ran one strong hand up her thigh to rest on her vulva, his thumb firmly settling between her labia. His fingers glided back and forth between her wet folds and then he slipped a finger into her opening. She let out a gasp and licked her bottom lip as her wet locks hung around her face, moving in exaggerated time to the way she tossed her head with pleasure.
Her hands palmed the tiled wall in front of her as she felt a second digit slip in, stroking her inner walls faster. With each caress, every long thrust of his fingers; his lips devoured her neck and shoulder making her shudder uncontrollably.
She gasped feeling the wave inside her build at a steady pace.
"I'm going to cum." She breathed feeling the pace of his fingers go faster, pounding into her pussy. She twitched and moaned helplessly. Pushing his fingers deeper, filling her warmth, her body arched and twisted beneath his powerful ministrations as the first wave of her climax hit her like a tsunami. Pushing down on his fingers she yelled out his name as her orgasm exploded and suddenly he pushed into her... the hard, thick length of him filling her so abruptly that she cried out again with pleasure.
Her breath began to come in ragged pants and her gorgeous hips began to buck of their own volition. Her moans were coming louder as he thrusted deeper inside her. Chloe leaned against the wet tile for support, her knees weak from the sensation as her body heaved with pleasure. His size filled her, stretching her walls, but fit her perfectly.
Derek began to move in and out of her harder, causing the sensations to become intoxicating. Her pussy throbbed with need and pleasure as he hit her back wall once again. With one hand on her vulva, and his index finger atop her clit, he stroked her while he thrusted in and out.
Derek turned her into a whimpering wreck as she pushed into him, moaning out load in pure ecstasy. As his cock buried itself to the hilt in her throbbing pussy, her ears rang with the sound of her own gasps and moans.
Her body vibrated from head to toe with revelry as the wave of pleasure hit her like a mac truck, drowning her with the intense sensation of her orgasm. Screaming out, he thrusted deep inside her one last time with a low moan as he came with her. She arched her back, feeling greedy and wanting more of him as he lea
ned against her back panting heavily. As she tried to catch her breath, her hands let go of the tile and turned to face him. Cupping his face, she kissed him with such passion, such force, she thought she would melt right there.
Chapter 5
Chloe stood against the wrought iron railing on the balcony and watched the sun rise. She’d come out while it was still dark. Derek had seemed afraid to fall asleep last night. It was like he was afraid to take his eyes off of her. He’d made such sweet, gentle love to her that for that time, she’d forgotten it all. She put the bad memories where they belonged and she let herself forget for a second that Jesse would be coming for her soon.
She had reveled in the feeling of his strong arms and his warm skin and the feel of his heart pounding for her in his chest. She finally fell asleep in his arms with his pretty blue eyes still trained on her. When she woke up a few hours later, he had fallen asleep too. She slipped out and put on the robe and made her way out to the balcony. She’d been out there for about an hour and the brilliant orange had just begun to pour out of the sun and spread across the horizon. The sky was turning blood red as dawn was breaking over the horizon.
“Red sky in the morning, shepherd’s warning. Red sky at night, shepherd’s delight.” She turned at the sound of Derek’s voice. “Good morning,” he said.
“Good morning,” she turned back towards the sky and he wrapped his arms around her from behind. “What does that mean?” she asked him.
“It’s an old sailor saying,” he told her. “It means don’t take out the boat, a storm is on the horizon.”
“Is it true?” she asked.
“Not always,” he said, kissing the side of her face. “Do you want me to order us some breakfast? You need to eat something.”
She smiled and turned to face him. “I’m not sure how long I can handle all of this being taken care of.”
He nodded and knew that it wasn’t something she was used to...or even really needed for that matter. He was going to have a hard time not doing it though.
“I know. Give me one more day and then I’ll try and control it,” he said with a grin.
“You got it,” she said, “One more day. I still have a lot to tell you anyways.”
He nodded solemnly then. While he ordered their breakfast, Chloe took her shower. He took his after they ate and then they sat on the balcony again and she said, “As hard as it was to talk about my childhood, it’s harder for me to talk about Jesse. The difference is I’ve come to terms with the fact that the little girl wasn’t supposed to be strong enough to fight. Someone was supposed to save her. I still struggle with the fact that it took me so long to save myself from Jesse.”
“I don’t know what he did, but...”
She reached over and put her fingers on his lips. “This is going to be harder if you get me all choked up before I even begin. Let me get through it and then if you have questions, we’ll go from there.”
He nodded and kissed her fingers.
She smiled at him and said, “I hated my home life so badly that I poured myself into my studies. I excelled at everything academic. I got straight “As” from kindergarten to graduation from high school. I graduated as valedictorian and I got a scholarship to NYU. I enrolled in the program to obtain my teaching credentials. I was still living at home, but I was doing all I could to save enough money to move out. My scholarship covered all of my school expenses but it wasn’t enough to live on. I got a job at the campus coffee shop. Minimum wage was paltry and because of carrying over eighteen units a semester, I could only work part time. Anyways, my point is that I was saving, but it was going slowly. I was just starting my second semester when I met him....”
Chloe’s eyes shifted again and she was suddenly back there, in that coffee shop on the NYU campus the day the monster walked into her life.
Kelly Ward was on the tail end of her second shift of the day. She had an exam in her evening class that night. Her feet were killing her and if one more stupid frat boy tried to hit on her she just might throw hot coffee on him. She jerked her head up at the sound and she was staring into a pair of green eyes, the color of jade. They were in the face of one of the most beautiful men that she had ever seen. His hair was an inky black and he had that kind of perfect skin that you only see on magazines where you knew they’d been airbrushed.
“Um...hi,” she managed at last. The man smiled at her then and revealed that his teeth were as white and perfect as the rest of him. He was dressed casually in a green polo shirt and jeans and his black hair was stylishly mussed. On closer inspection she could see that his pretty green eyes were slightly blood-shot and he had very faint dark circles underneath them.
“Can I get a really big coffee? The biggest and the strongest one you have?” he asked.
“Sure,” she said. She picked up the cup and realized that her eyes hadn’t left his face. His were still on her as well. She felt her face go hot and she inwardly cursed herself for blushing. He was going to think she was a big dork.
“Um, can I get your name for the cup?” she asked him.
“Jesse,” he said.
She used the sharpie and wrote his name on it. She didn’t really need it, since he was her only order and she was just going to turn and fill the cup. She’d just wanted to know what his name was, that way when she fantasized about him later; she had a name to go with the face...and the body. Damn! He had a really, really nice body. She forced herself to focus and fixed his coffee. When she handed the cup to him his fingers brushed hers and she actually shivered. What the hell is wrong with me? To Kelly, men meant one thing...trouble. All they ever seemed to want from her was the one thing her father had wanted, and she wasn’t giving that to them. There was no way that she was going to let any man see her scars. Someday, when she was a teacher and she had saved enough money, she would have them fixed. Until then, the terror of someone seeing them lived deep in her heart.
“Thank you,” Jesse said with another smile. He handed her a ten dollar bill and she gave him his change. He seemed to make a point of touching her hand again and Kelly felt her stomach flutter as he did. He took his coffee to a small table by the door and opened the thick book that he must have sat there when he came in. Kelly tried to stay focused on her tasks, making coffee, serving it and refilling things for the next shift. Her eyes kept being drawn over to the man by the door. He was pouring over his book but every so often he would look over at her and his green eyes would capture her brown ones and he would smile.
Kelly had no idea why a man like him would give a woman like her a second glance...but it was thrilling to her nonetheless. When her relief came in, Jesse was still seated by the door and as exhausted as she was, she was reluctant to leave. What if he never came in again? That was her first worry and then the second was when she realized she’d have to walk by him to leave. What if he talked to her? What would she say?
Not having any other choice, she finally cashed out and collected her tips and her things. She sucked in a lungful of coffee-aroma filled air and walked towards the door. Her hand was actually on the handle when she heard him say, “Are you finished for the day?”
She turned back to face him and with insides that felt like Jell-O she said, “Yeah, all done.” Brilliant, Kelly.
“Do you live in the dorms?”
“No,” she said. “But I’m not finished with classes yet for the day. I was just going to the library until my next class starts in a couple of hours.”
Jesse snapped his book shut and said, “I could use some fresh air. Do you mind if I walk with you?”
Shit! Shit! Damn! Hell! Kelly had no idea what to say to this man. If he walked with her, he would expect her to talk. When she didn’t...or even if she did, he would think she was an idiot.
“Um...yeah, sure.” She mentally kicked her own ass. What was she doing? Jesse stood up and that was when she realized how long his legs were. He picked up his heavy book and she saw the flex of his biceps.
Trouble, trouble, trouble, she told herself.
He followed her out the door of the coffee shop and they walked along for a while not speaking. Finally, Jesse said, “I think you have me at a disadvantage.”
“What’s that?” she said.
“You know my name, but you haven’t told me yours.”
“It’s Kelly,” she said, “Kelly Ward.”
“Well, Kelly Ward, I’m Jesse Donovan. It’s really nice to meet you.” He grinned at her and her heart stopped for just a second.
“You too,” she said, returning the smile. Trying hard to make conversation she had looked at the book he carried and said, “Are you a law student?”
He nodded. “My last year,” he said. “Thankfully. I haven’t slept in three, I think.” That explained the blood shot eyes, she thought.
She smiled and said, “I know the feeling.”
“What are you studying pretty Kelly?” Kelly’s world tipped on its axis. Did he just call her pretty? Was he blind...or insane?
“I’m studying to be a teacher,” she told him.
“A teacher huh? Lucky kids,” he said.
She felt herself blush again. They’d just approached the library and he reached over her and opened the door. He held it open for her and followed her in. Great! She was never going to be able to concentrate on studying with him in the room. He followed her over to a table where they both sat down and she took out her books. Her test was in Sociology tonight and luckily, it was a subject she had no trouble with at all. He picked up her book and looked at it. “Sociology happens to be one of my best subjects,” he said, “You’re in luck.”
Kelly smiled, “Don’t you have your own work to do?”
“I’d rather help you with yours,” he said.